It’s been a week since the month of Ramadaan has ended. It is during this month that I learn the most about myself. I reflect on many things, my prayers, my connection to my Creator, my ego and more. This fast was no exception. This fast I have learnt how little self-control I may actually have. Let’s look at why…
It was That extra samoosa!
The samoosa is a household favourite when there are Islamic gatherings of any sort in most Muslim households and the fast is no exception. In fact, samoosas are one of the most commonly prepped food item for the fast. It is bought in 100’s, kept in the freezer and fried for that moment of breaking our fast. You’re probably wondering why I am focused on this little triangle of food, well for one, I have come to understand that I may have developed a sort of an addiction. One night, I sat at the table going through samoosa after samosa and later the evening looking for more. While I have been aware of my unhealthy relationship with this samoosa for a long time, this fast made it clear that I might have a problem. Yeah sure, most people would find nothing wrong in its consumption and say, “it’s just a samoosa”, but to me… it was a craving and the realization of the lack of self- control I may have when it comes to this little delight.
You see growing up, food played a big role in my life. When I go through stress or any emotional turmoil, I rush to food. Trust me, it’s not something I am proud of. As I am typing this, I feel a deep sense of disappointment of this reality. And, I have come to understand just how bad it is because of a little tiny samoosa. I have told myself, I can change my diet at any time, I can stop any time, I don’t have a problem, I can start afresh tomorrow. The truth is, I do have a problem. While jokingly commenting socially, yeah I am addicted to the samoosa, it has become painfully clear that it is not okay. Yeah, it does boil down to habit change and mindset, but for most, addictions have embedded themselves within their wiring and thinking.
So that extra samoosa, drew my attention to the substance abusers that have been quite upset with the government for banning smoking, and well alcohol being sold again. This ban didn’t affect me, because I don’t do either. In fact, I was confidently making a point in many conversations, but it’s bad for you anyway, so just give it up. It isn’t as simple as that unfortunately. And how do I know this? That little samosa that I have been craving for, made it clear.
So let’s get something straight. Addictions are not only extended to substance abusers such as smoking, drugs and alcohol. What we don’t focus on is addictions to food, pornography, social media, shopping, gaming, sex and internet. Many addicts don’t know they have a problem because they believe that they have it under control and as a result don’t think see themselves as addicts.
Pay attention! We don’t always know we have a problem. Most addicts have a very distorted way of thinking, and constantly come up with reasons to justify their behavior. It is not easy convincing them they do. Addiction is actually identified as a brain disease because it alters the chemical structure of the brain in to making the addict believe that they simply cannot live without it even while telling themselves that they can stop at any time. For further advice and support, please contact a rehab center and seek advice from professionals if you know of anyone that has an addiction. In addition to this, find a copy of the book: Addictive Thinking: Understanding Self-Deception by Abraham J. Twerski, MD.
We are all on a journey of self-improvement. For many, it is hard to admit to someone that they have a problem. We are all in this together. Never let go of this understanding, and practice change, one day at a time…