About Being with Purpose

Man’s development goes through three phases, namely: What we are, Who we are and Why we are.
When we are born, we are amazed by our physical shape and the natural process of movement as we learn to crawl, walk, run, jump and climb and as we master the art of movement and speech, we delve into our spiritual, emotional, vocational, educational and family goals, that constitute our system of values and beliefs. Over time we seek the answers to divinity and it is in this stage of our lives, we question our purpose of being and while this is a process of continuous soul enlightenment; the what, who and why become congruent to each other and we start understanding HOW to BE.
Being With Purpose explores each of these phases through continuous coaching, personal development, skills and learning programmes that ignites in each individual the ability to nurture themselves and understanding that every aspect of life is connected.